Vent Brushes

Speed up your drying

Vent brushes are great for those looking to spend less time drying their hair. They are also ideal for those with curls, coils and kinks in their hair.

Showing 1–28 of 44 results

Showing 1–28 of 44 results

Dry it quick, dry it now

After we wash our hair, it feels like a good reset. Clean hair makes us feel better about ourselves. A clean base is a healthy base! The unfortunate reality is that after cleaning our hair, it is wet and needs to be dried. This usually involves a hairdryer and some kind of brush to style and aid in drying. The type of brush we use during this process can make a big difference to the duration of the session and the end result. For those who want drying to be as quick as possible, you may consider one of our vent brushes.

What makes vent brushes unique from others? The clue is in the name. In order to be classified as a vent brush, the bristle surface area must feature pathways to allow airflow to pass through directly onto the hair. That means that while the bristles style hair, air from the dryer can pass unimpeded to the hair, without needing to pass through another surface. Not only do these brushes speed up drying time, they are also preferred brushes for those with curls, coils and kinks in their hair as the loose structure of the bristle surface is gentler on these hair types, often enhancing their structure in the end.