Barber Marmara

Barber Marmara is one of the most known and trusted barber brands. Originating in Turkey, the home of men’s grooming and styling, Barber Marmara has developed a reputation in one of the most competitive markets in the world, and risen to the top. As one of the biggest industrial alcohol buyers in Europe, it shows the scale of the popularity of their products, particularly their colognes for which they are most famous.


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Showing all 23 results

Decades of barber experience

The number of barber brands that have been created in the last 10 years has been astronomical. Men’s styling, self-care and grooming has continued to grow, and companies saw this opportunity to capitalise on this new and increasing demand. The industry quickly grew to oversaturation where the number of options out there for men to choose from made the majority of these barber companies indistinguishable from one another. One by one, these companies started to disappear as there was no point of differentiation, nothing that made them unique. During this transitionary time, styling aficionados were looking for reliable brands with heritage, brands that stood tall and firm during the proliferation of barber companies in the industry. Barber Marmara is one of these few brands that stood the test of time, and their product quality, identity and choice is the reason why.

Founded over 50 years ago, Barber Marmara has produced quality barber products with emphasis on variety. There is something for everyone with Barber Marmara. Born in Turkey, the home of men’s hair styling and grooming. Their large selection of products in different fragrance classes means there is room to experiment and fine-tune the right product smell for you. When it comes to analysing which barber companies succeed, a primary differentiator is brand identity. A barber company needs to instantly classify itself as a men’s brand, sometimes to even cartoonish levels of branding elements. Barber Marmara have achieved this strong identity, and is one of the reasons why they are so popular around the world for many barbershops and enthusiasts.