Straight Strand Hair Extensions

Single strand hair extensions add just the right amount of colour and length to make a style unique.

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Showing all 17 results

Flawless Clip-On Straight Hair Pieces

The Emma Synthetic 3 Piece Straight Strands and Emma Synthetic Hair Extension Straight are a great way to experiment with your hair – but if you are scared to try out a new look consult a professional before making the purchase. These pieces are easy ways to change your appearance, perfect for a night out or other special occasion.

Whether you choose a clip-on fringe or clip-on ponytail or straight clip-on hair pieces, some of the most common mistakes women make when it comes to hair extensions is neglecting them once they are on your head.

These include not washing them at least once every two weeks using haircare products such as silicone and high shine sprays. Using the incorrect maintenance products including baby gel, Vaseline, moisturizing lotions and hair food and the wrong grooming tools will damage your clip-on extensions.

When it comes to weaves normal combs and brushes can damage the wefts and cause the hair fibres to loosen and to pull out.

Don’t use oil-based products on synthetic weaves but rather opt for a de-tangler to condition and detangle the hair as well as a serum to soften and add shine both of which have been specifically created for straight clip-on hair strands.